FRS Artwork guide
Important Disclaimer:
(read before placing your order)
Only send me artwork that you own the copyright to/ have paid for/ have permission to use! When you send me your art I will also need a screenshot of proof of copyright from the original artist. Downloading images from the internet, even if its from a "copyright free" image website, does not mean you now own the copyright to the original image and I won't be able to print it without permission.
Please be aware that if you HAVE NOT sent me proof of copyright permission before I print your art I will have to replace your image with a Furin stock art piece and assemble/send your FRS without your art. I will not be able to cancel or refund the order due to incorrect art.
Do not steal artwork!
It is your responsibility to make sure you have permission to use the art for your personal FRS. Artists work incredibly hard to make amazing work and deserve to be paid/credited appropriately.
*I am unable to use/print AI created artwork*
FRS Art Guide
Photoshop template link: FRS Art Template
Please use this template to create your art and check sizing and button layouts. When you are finished please remove the layout, shape and button layers then export the art image as a PNG which you can then email to me.
After you place your order, please email me directly ( and attach your art file as a PNG. Please put your order number in the subject heading, this will be a 4 digit number "1378" for example.